5 Video Marketing Strategies Every Public Company Should Know

December 1, 2022

Video marketing is rapidly becoming one of the most effective ways to gain and maintain the trust and confidence of investors, and we’re making it easier than ever for you to include video marketing in your Company’s content plan.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words… but what’s a video worth? 

In today’s marketing environment, a good video can be priceless. 

That’s because companies are consistently experiencing positive ROIs when using video content in their marketing campaigns. 

In a recent post we shared the benefits of video marketing, and in this post, we’re going to share how our comprehensive Investor Video Social Media Management & Marketing program is making it easier than ever to leverage video marketing. 

But first – let’s recap the top reasons why your company needs video marketing:

  1. 9 out of 10 Americans between 12 and 44 rely on video content for information updates 
  2. 86% of marketing professionals rely on video marketing to drive client success 
  3. If they could only see one type of online media, 80% of CEOs would select video
  4. 97% of marketers found that video helped increase their audiences trust and understanding in their company

So why are so many companies slow out of the gate when it comes to embracing video marketing when industry data clearly shows it’s a benefit to the bottom line? 

Oftentimes, it comes down to not knowing where to begin.

At SmallCap, we work with you to take the first step, and keep things moving from that point forward.

Our program allows you to stay ahead of the competition by being the first to utilize video marketing trends. 

SmallCap Communications Solutions For Video Marketing Success 

In our efforts to make video marketing accessible, we’ve recently launched our comprehensive Investor Video Social Media Management & Marketing program.  

This program provides users with unparalleled proprietary content made possible by our video creation services. 

We’ll work directly with you and your Company to capture video content that is uniquely yours, designed to drive your objectives, captivate an audience, and attract the investors you need to succeed. 

The ability to create these videos allows you to share a steady flow of original and engaging content that keeps your Company top of mind across your industry. 

Styles of Videos We Focus On

1. News Release Videos

Now, more than ever before, people are watching. They’re not reading. 

That means that the recent news release you shared about an exciting discovery might not make the splash it once did. 

We’re not saying news releases are old news, they’re still very valuable. What we are saying is that a news release is far more valuable when coupled with a video that drives key points home in 60 seconds or less. 

Here’s How: 

  • Have your CEO or President sit down on zoom and record a 1 to 2 minute clip discussing the news release and its highlights
  • Send the file to our team and we’ll edit it to include key features
  • We’ll share this video across multiple social media platforms at the same time the news release is disseminated to drive engagement
  • This video will also be embedded on your website along with your news release, and will be included in your Company’s investor newsletter blast

Sharing your story with your current and target audience in the easiest way possible is how we help you stand out from the crowd. 

Example: Zoom Recorded News Release Video


 2. Investor Videos

We still believe in quality over quantity when it comes to content, but with our video production processes, we’re able to offer both. 

Our investor videos allow you to share high-quality project updates with your shareholders on a weekly basis. 

Here’s How: 

  • Quarterly, we sit down with your team for a 30-minute recorded zoom call where we discuss key Company milestones, catalysts, and other investment incentives 
  • From this, we can create 8 to 12 videos based on the topics discussed 
  • Videos are edited to combine recordings from the meeting, Company b-roll, photos, infographics, and other relevant material to create engaging video content
  • We then share these videos on your YouTube and across your social networks

This process requires minimal time on behalf of you as our client, while allowing us to create excellent proprietary content about your Company, which we can schedule to disseminate strategically over a 3-month period. 

Example: Investor Update With B-Roll Compilation & Editing

Example: Investor Update Filmed Via Zoom

3. Corporate Presentation Videos

As a public Company, it’s the nature of your business to be constantly evolving, and we want to provide you with a corporate presentation that can keep up. 

That’s why we’re now offering corporate presentation videos designed to optimize how you share your slide deck with investors and key industry stakeholders.

Here’s How: 

  • Record yourself presenting your updated slide deck through zoom 
  • Send us the updated slide deck and your recording 
  • We’ll edit the two together so your virtual audience can feel like they’re experiencing a live presentation

This engaging demonstrative video can then be shared across your social channels and embedded on your website to promote your corporate objectives. 


Panoro Minerals Ltd. Corporate Presentation

4. Introduction to Management Team Videos

Investors often want to know the people behind the project when it comes to picking the public companies to add to their portfolio. In fact, management is one of the #1 reasons why investors choose to invest. However, with today’s markets operating at a global scale, it’s not always easy to shake hands with the individuals leading the charge. 

That’s why we emphasize the importance of using video to introduce and share your management team. 

Through short and sweet meet and greet videos, our team can capture and edit videos designed to showcase the expertise of your management team to instill investor confidence. 

Here’s How: 

  • Have the members of your team zoom record themselves sharing their experience and their role within the Company 
  • Our team will edit this recording to capture the character and the talents of each unique managing member that make them vital to the Company’s success

Example: Introducing Argentinian Management Team

5. Industry Topic Videos

Hopping on a trending topic happening in your industry can be one of the most effective ways to reach a wider audience. 

We keep our thumb on the pulse of the industry in order to provide you with video content creation options that are trending and relevant to your Company and audience. This allows you to share information on a topic as opposed to being solely self-promotional. 

Here’s How: 

  • Our team flags trending topics OR your team informs us of a topic you’d like to discuss 
  • You share your thoughts on the topic and any important updates through a recording of yourself or a recorded discussion between members of your management team including your CEO, President, VP Exploration, Investor Relations Manager or Project Manager
  • We edit the video accordingly and disseminate strategically 

Creating videos on trending topics creates an excellent opportunity for your content to get shared with new investors that will be drawn in by your expertise and Company story.  

Where to record: Zoom OR SmallCap’s Gastown Studio 

One of the biggest barriers that many companies face when creating video content is the filming itself. That’s why we made this as easy as possible with two potential recording options. 

The first option is to record yourself via Zoom as you share information relevant to any of the video topics above. This can be done from your corporate office or home office, and can be done solo or with other parties, including your own team, members of the SmallCap team, or members of your industry, depending on the video style. We can provide tips to help you set up your space appropriately. 

The second option is to set up a meeting with the SmallCap team at our new filming studio in the Gastown neighbourhood of Vancouver. Here we offer all the necessary professional recording equipment to best capture the above content – and can help guide you through the process. 

Need help getting b-roll and photos of Company projects?

The best videos are the ones that are visually stimulating for the audience, which is why we encourage you to build up a library of b-roll footage and photos of Company projects if you haven’t already done so. 

We work with several groups that specialize in: Corporate Documentaries, B-Roll Creations, Catalog Photos, Professional Photography, Mine Animations, Explainer Videos, and more. Ask for a referral, and we’d be happy to connect you with one of our trusted partners.

Incorporating video content into your marketing campaign is something that sounds far more daunting than it is in reality. 

Let our team of content and social media experts help eliminate your hesitation so that your Company can benefit from being at the forefront of a marketing medium that is experiencing rapid growth and success. 

Book an Introductory Call today with our SmallCap Communications team to discuss your 2023 Marketing Plan: