Raise your Twitter Engagement Rate with a Little Human Connection

May 10, 2021

Raise your Twitter Engagement Rate with a Little Human Connection

There are all kinds of metrics worth measuring for your social media campaigns. However, what counts on Twitter is your engagement. Research shows that the best way to get the highest Twitter engagement rate is to feature people in your tweets! For many mining companies, this can be a challenge. You may feel like you don’t have the time or expertise to take lots of photos. Management may not be comfortable in front of the camera. However, if you want to improve engagement, you should get over your shyness, so your audience can see your team!

Why People Get the Most Engagement

Twitter has the fastest-moving news feed out of any social media site. People glance at your tweet for a second before getting distracted by the next one, which might be a puppy, a celebrity, or someone doing a skateboard stunt. Here are some statistics to keep in mind.

People love to look at images, especially ones that feature human faces. Psychologists can study the reasons for this. What matters to you is that you can dramatically increase your engagement by featuring more people in your tweets. Showing the faces of your team humanizes your business and gives your followers the feeling that they know you better.

Taking the Best Photos

When you plan your visual content on Twitter, you may start worrying about photo quality. Do you need a quality digital camera and special techniques to take great photos for Twitter?

Photo quality is important for your company website. The Management page on your Corporate website is often the most viewed page on your site proving how much interest investors place in your team as part of their buying decision. Having professional photos on this page helps you make a strong impression.

On social media, photo quality is not quite as crucial. It’s better to have high-quality photos that bring out the best in your subjects. However, you don’t need to be a professional photographer or have expensive equipment. Today’s smartphones are perfectly capable of taking clear and compelling photos. Here are some ideas for photos that you can feature on Twitter:

  • Selfies or photos of employees and management in the office give your followers an informal view of your workplace.
  • Your CEO in the field.
  • Management engaging in their favorite activities or hobbies. Not all photos need to be business-related.
  • Your team volunteering at an event.

Get Even More Engagement From Your Tweets

Once you decide to feature more humans in your tweets, how can you get even better engagement from your tweets? Here are a few points to keep in mind.

  • Include useful information. While images of people are great for engagement, you can make tweets more useful by adding statistics, links, or a piece of advice.
  • Include a few hashtags with every tweet. You don’t need to overdo it, though. Twitter recommends adding one or two hashtags to every tweet.
  • Tweet at the right time. Analytics can show you what hours and days you get the most engagement.
  • Engage with your followers. Remember, engagement is a two-way street. Replying to and retweeting others encourages them to do the same with you. Always respond to replies to your tweets.

People Bring Your Tweets to Life

Including more photos with human faces is a simple way to increase Twitter engagement. Your followers appreciate the hard facts and stats that you share. However, they also like to see faces that they can associate with your business. Taking more photos of people will get your followers’ attention and improve engagement.

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